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  • Glucose Goddess: The Alarming New Truth About Grapes! These 10 Hacks To Strip Fat Without Exercise!: The Diary of a CEO episode

Glucose Goddess: The Alarming New Truth About Grapes! These 10 Hacks To Strip Fat Without Exercise!: The Diary of a CEO episode

The Secrets of Glucose and Health with Jesse Inchauspé, "The Glucose Goddess"

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The Secrets of Glucose and Health with Jesse Inchauspé, "The Glucose Goddess"

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Glucose Goddess: The Alarming New Truth About Grapes! These 10 Hacks To Strip Fat Without Exercise!: The Diary of a CEO episode

In this episode of "Diary of a CEO," Steven Bartlett sits down with Jesse Inchauspé, known as "The Glucose Goddess," a biochemist and best-selling author focused on glucose management and nutrition. The conversation delves into the science behind glucose spikes, the impact on mental and physical health, and practical hacks that anyone can apply to manage their glucose levels effectively. Jesse explains how modern diets filled with sugars and starches are leading to daily glucose spikes, which can cause long-term health issues like mental health struggles, infertility, and faster aging. Her mission is to empower people to better understand their diets and take control of their health through simple, actionable strategies. This episode is packed with insights that could transform the way you think about food and health.

The Glucose Revolution Unveiled

  1. Glucose Spikes and Health: Jesse explains that most people experience glucose spikes daily, which can lead to a range of health issues from acne and infertility to accelerated aging.

  2. Misconceptions About Sugar: Many believe sugar from fruit is "good sugar." Jesse debunks this, explaining that all sugar, whether from fruit or cake, affects the body similarly.

  3. Surprising Foods: Foods like honey and grapes can cause significant glucose spikes, even though they are often seen as healthy.

  4. Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs): Jesse talks about how CGMs have revolutionized the way we understand the impact of food on our glucose levels.

  5. Impact on Aging: Jesse discusses how glucose spikes accelerate the aging process through a mechanism called glycation, which "cooks" our cells from the inside out.

  6. Glucose and Energy: Consuming too much glucose can overwhelm mitochondria, leading to chronic fatigue and energy crashes.

  7. The Role of Insulin: Jesse explains how the body stores excess glucose as fat and the role of insulin in managing these spikes, contributing to weight gain and insulin resistance.

  8. Muscle Mass and Glucose: Individuals with more muscle mass tend to handle glucose better, meaning their spikes are often lower after consuming the same foods.

  9. Hormonal Health and Fertility: Jesse reveals the link between high glucose levels, insulin resistance, and conditions like PCOS, a leading cause of infertility.

  10. Simple Glucose Hacks: Jesse recommends four simple hacks—eating a savory breakfast, using vinegar, eating veggies first, and moving after meals—that can help control glucose spikes without changing your diet drastically.

Simple Hacks for Better Glucose Management

  1. Start Your Day with a Savory Breakfast: Avoid sweet breakfasts, such as cereals or smoothies, as they cause glucose spikes that can leave you feeling tired and craving sugar later in the day. Instead, opt for protein and healthy fats to stay energized.

  2. Incorporate Vinegar into Your Meals: Adding vinegar to one meal a day can significantly reduce glucose spikes. It's a simple hack that Jesse recommends to anyone looking to manage their blood sugar without major dietary changes.

  3. Eat Vegetables First: Begin meals with a portion of vegetables to create a fiber barrier, which slows the absorption of glucose from carbohydrates consumed later in the meal.

  4. Move After Eating: Even a short walk after a meal can lower glucose levels. Movement helps muscles absorb glucose, preventing large spikes in blood sugar.

  5. Moderate Your Sugar Intake: Jesse emphasizes that sugar is sugar, no matter the source. Be mindful of your sugar consumption, whether it's from fruit or processed sweets, and consider it as dessert, not an everyday staple.

  6. Understand Your Glucose Responses: Everyone's body responds differently to food. Jesse encourages people to become more aware of their glucose responses using tools like CGMs to tailor their diet for better health.

  7. Manage Stress for Better Glucose Control: High stress can cause higher glucose spikes. Incorporate stress management techniques like mindfulness or exercise to help regulate blood sugar.

  8. Drink Water, Not Juice: Even natural juices can cause glucose spikes similar to soda. Jesse suggests eliminating juice from your diet in favor of water to prevent unnecessary spikes.

  9. Timing Matters for Carbs: Eating carbs after a workout allows your muscles to absorb more glucose, helping to minimize spikes. Jesse suggests saving your favorite sweet treats for post-exercise indulgence.

  10. Skip Fasting If It Doesn’t Suit You: While fasting can work for some, especially men, it can be harmful to women’s hormonal balance. Jesse advises listening to your body and not forcing stressful fasting regimens if they make you feel unwell.

Deep Dive into Glucose, Diet, and Aging: Understanding the True Impact of Sugar

  1. Glucose Management Insights and Misconceptions About Sugar:
    The episode dives into the pervasive issue of glucose spikes, affecting approximately 80% of the population daily. Jesse Inchauspé, the guest, explains that these spikes can trigger a variety of health issues, ranging from mental health disturbances like anxiety and depression to physical problems such as acne, faster aging, infertility, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). One of the most common misconceptions addressed in the episode is the idea of "good sugar," with many believing that sugars from natural sources, like fruit, are healthier than sugars found in processed foods. However, Jesse clarifies that the body does not differentiate between sugar from a fruit smoothie and sugar from a chocolate cake; chemically, it’s the same. She further describes the modern food environment as toxic, highlighting how our diets, which are often filled with sugar and starches, lead to these problematic glucose spikes. This toxic landscape not only misleads people but contributes to the epidemic of metabolic diseases.

  2. Importance of Glucose Awareness and the Consequences of Glucose Spikes:
    With over a billion people globally diagnosed with either type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, and up to 70% of those without these conditions still experiencing daily glucose spikes, Jesse stresses that glucose awareness is more crucial than ever. She elaborates on the three significant biological processes that occur when glucose spikes: first, mitochondria fatigue, which leaves us feeling chronically tired; second, glycation, where cells "cook" from the inside out, accelerating aging; and third, insulin release, which stores excess glucose as fat, contributing to weight gain and insulin resistance. Although a few spikes here and there may not seem serious, Jesse warns that consistent large spikes lead to long-term damage, manifesting in inflammation, skin conditions, hormonal imbalances, and even increased risk of diseases like dementia. The episode encourages listeners to become more aware of their glucose levels, as managing them can have wide-ranging benefits for both short-term wellness and long-term health.

  3. The Role of Energy Production and Glucose, and the Misunderstanding of Energy from Sugar:
    Jesse explains that our mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cells, convert glucose into energy that our bodies use to function. However, when we consume too much glucose, our mitochondria become overwhelmed and begin to malfunction, leading to chronic fatigue. A key misunderstanding people have is equating the temporary rush they feel after consuming sugar with actual energy. Jesse reveals that this boost is actually the result of a dopamine release in the brain, a pleasure response similar to that triggered by addictive substances. The problem is that this perceived "energy" is fleeting, and over time, the mitochondria struggle to keep up, leaving individuals feeling more exhausted. This leads many people to fall into a cycle of reaching for more sugary foods when they're tired, believing it will help, when in reality, it's making their energy levels worse.

  4. The Process of Glycation, Insulin’s Role in Glucose Management, and the Impact on Muscle Mass and Glucose Response:
    Every glucose spike accelerates the process of glycation, a form of internal "cooking" that not only affects the skin, causing wrinkles, but also damages organs, speeding up the aging process. Jesse explains that when we experience a glucose spike, the pancreas responds by releasing insulin, a hormone that helps reduce blood sugar levels by storing glucose in the liver, muscles, and fat cells. Muscle mass plays a critical role in this process; the more muscle mass a person has, the more glucose their body can handle, making spikes less severe. However, she also notes that many other factors influence glucose responses, including hydration levels, stress, the microbiome, genetics, and the quality of sleep. While muscle mass can be an advantage, it’s important to take a holistic approach to glucose management, considering these other variables.

  5. Surprising Foods That Cause Glucose Spikes and the Differences Between Whole Fruit and Fruit Juice:
    One of the more surprising revelations from Jesse is how some seemingly healthy foods, like honey and grapes, can cause significant glucose spikes. These foods, especially modern fruits, have been selectively bred to be much sweeter than their natural counterparts. The discussion highlights the distinction between whole fruits and fruit juices, with whole fruits containing fiber that slows the absorption of glucose, making them less likely to cause a spike. In contrast, fruit juice removes this protective fiber, resulting in rapid glucose spikes similar to what one might experience from drinking a soda. Jesse emphasizes that, regardless of whether sugar comes from fruit, honey, or processed sweets, it all has the same molecular structure and impact on the body, stressing the importance of being mindful of sugar consumption in all its forms.

  6. The Use of Sweeteners, the Importance of Diet and Health, and the Connection Between Glucose and Aging:
    Jesse tackles the common misconceptions surrounding different types of sugar and sweeteners, noting that while some, like stevia and monk fruit, may have fewer health risks, they still don’t provide a license to indulge freely. She stresses that all sugars, whether it’s honey, maple syrup, or artificial sweeteners, are molecularly similar and should be consumed sparingly. Her message is not about cutting sugar out entirely but about empowering people to make informed choices. The episode also delves into the importance of refocusing on healthier food groups that have largely been lost in today’s diets, such as proteins, fiber, and healthy fats. Jesse warns that high sugar intake is not just a dietary concern; it’s directly linked to accelerated aging and the development of various diseases. By managing glucose, people can not only improve their current well-being but also stave off diseases associated with aging, such as heart disease and dementia, highlighting the long-term benefits of a mindful approach to diet.

Thank you for your attention!

This episode of "Diary of a CEO" with Jesse Inchauspé provides a deep dive into the science of glucose management and its far-reaching effects on health. Listeners gain insights into how daily glucose spikes can lead to a range of issues, from faster aging to fertility challenges. Jesse's practical hacks offer simple, actionable steps that anyone can implement to take control of their health, without needing to overhaul their diet. From understanding the dangers of sugary breakfasts to knowing when to indulge in treats, this conversation empowers you with the knowledge to make healthier choices. Thank you for joining us, and we hope this episode helps you rethink how you approach food and health!

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